Tag Archives: git-log

How to show which commits Git-SVN will push or merge

My previous post explains how to show which commits Git will push or merge. This is a follow-up explaining how to achieve the same with Git-SVN.

These are the aliases you need in your Git configuration file (e.g. C:cygwinhome<user>.gitconfig or <project>/.git/config). The explanation is below.

    # -M                 Detect and report renames for each commit.
    # --name-status      Show only names and status of changed files.
    # --abbrev-commit    Instead of showing the full 40-byte hexadecimal commit object name, show only a partial prefix.
    l = log -M --name-status --abbrev-commit

    # --oneline          This is a shorthand for &amp;quot;--pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit&amp;quot; used together.
    l1 = log --oneline

    # log commits-to-push
    lctp  = &amp;quot;!REMOTE_BRANCH=$(git svn info --url | gawk -F'/' '{print $NF}'); 
            COMMAND=&amp;quot;git l remotes/$REMOTE_BRANCH..HEAD&amp;quot;; 
            echo $COMMAND; 
    lctp1 = &amp;quot;!REMOTE_BRANCH=$(git svn info --url | gawk -F'/' '{print $NF}'); 
            COMMAND=&amp;quot;git l1 remotes/$REMOTE_BRANCH..HEAD&amp;quot;; 
            echo $COMMAND; 

    # log commits-to-merge
    # do not forget to execute &amp;quot;git svn fetch&amp;quot; first
    lctm  = &amp;quot;!REMOTE_BRANCH=$(git svn info --url | gawk -F'/' '{print $NF}'); 
            COMMAND=&amp;quot;git l HEAD..remotes/$REMOTE_BRANCH&amp;quot;; 
            echo $COMMAND; 
    lctm1 = &amp;quot;!REMOTE_BRANCH=$(git svn info --url | gawk -F'/' '{print $NF}'); 
            COMMAND=&amp;quot;git l1 HEAD..remotes/$REMOTE_BRANCH&amp;quot;; 
            echo $COMMAND; 

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How to show which commits Git will push or merge

To show which commits Git will push or merge, these are the aliases you need in your Git configuration file (e.g. C:\cygwin\home\<user>\.gitconfig or <project>/.git/config). The explanation is below.

    # -M                 Detect and report renames for each commit.
    # --name-status      Show only names and status of changed files.
    # --abbrev-commit    Instead of showing the full 40-byte hexadecimal commit object name, show only a partial prefix.
    l = log -M --name-status --abbrev-commit

    # --oneline          This is a shorthand for "--pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit" used together.
    l1 = log --oneline

    # log commits-to-push
    lctp  = "!LOCAL_BRANCH=$(git branch | grep ^* | gawk -F' ' '{print $NF}'); \
            REMOTE_SERVER=$(git config --get branch.$LOCAL_BRANCH.remote); \
            REMOTE_BRANCH=$(git config --get branch.$LOCAL_BRANCH.merge | gawk -F'/' '{print $NF}'); \
            echo $COMMAND; \
    lctp1 = "!LOCAL_BRANCH=$(git branch | grep ^* | gawk -F' ' '{print $NF}'); \
            REMOTE_SERVER=$(git config --get branch.$LOCAL_BRANCH.remote); \
            REMOTE_BRANCH=$(git config --get branch.$LOCAL_BRANCH.merge | gawk -F'/' '{print $NF}'); \
            echo $COMMAND; \

    # log commits-to-merge
    # do not forget to execute "git fetch" first
    lctm  = "!LOCAL_BRANCH=$(git branch | grep ^* | gawk -F' ' '{print $NF}'); \
            REMOTE_SERVER=$(git config --get branch.$LOCAL_BRANCH.remote); \
            REMOTE_BRANCH=$(git config --get branch.$LOCAL_BRANCH.merge | gawk -F'/' '{print $NF}'); \
            echo $COMMAND; \
    lctm1 = "!LOCAL_BRANCH=$(git branch | grep ^* | gawk -F' ' '{print $NF}'); \
            REMOTE_SERVER=$(git config --get branch.$LOCAL_BRANCH.remote); \
            REMOTE_BRANCH=$(git config --get branch.$LOCAL_BRANCH.merge | gawk -F'/' '{print $NF}'); \
            echo $COMMAND; \

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